RandomX Setup
1. Install Monero Wallet
b. Setup seed words and pin
c. Create receiving address (YOUR_MONERO_ADDRESS)
2. Install BiblePay Wallet
a. https://www.biblepay.org/wallet/
b. Create receiving address (YOUR_BIBLEPAY_ADDRESS)
File >>> Receiving Address >>> New >>> Ok >>> Right Click >>> Copy Address
or Tools >>> Debug Console >>> Type command: getnewaddress "" >>> Click Enter
3. Download XMRig zip
Windows (64-bit): https://github.com/biblepay/xmrig/raw/master/binaries/bbprig.zip
Linux (64-bit): https://github.com/biblepay/xmrig/raw/master/binaries/xmrig-bbp-linux64
Mac: http://www.biblepay.org/xmrig_mac.zip
Source: https://github.com/biblepay/xmrig
a. Create Folder (Example: C:\mining)
b. Copy .zip to new folder and Unzip it
c. Should see a script (batch) file and an executable rig file
4. Edit the script (.bat) file
./xmrig-bbp-win64.exe -o foundation.biblepay.org:3001 -u=YOUR_BIBLEPAY_ADDRESS -p=YOUR_MONERO_ADDRESS --threads 4
./xmrig -o foundation.biblepay.org:3001 -u=YOUR_BIBLEPAY_ADDRESS -p=YOUR_MONERO_ADDRESS --threads 4
NOTE: Change number of threads to what works best for your machine
./xmrig -o foundation.biblepay.org:3001 -u=YOUR_BIBLEPAY_ADDRESS -p=YOUR_MONERO_ADDRESS.YOUR_WORKER_NAME --threads 4
OPTIONAL: Can add .YOUR_WORKER_NAME to end of YOUR_MONERO_ADDRESS, it adds your cpu information per worker to xmrig
https://wiki.biblepay.org/Upgrade_to_RandomX https://foundation.biblepay.org/GettingStarted