RandomX Hashing Speed Comparison

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Hash speed comparison between XMRig (BBP Dual mine mode) and XMRig - XMR only modeOrphan Charity (James 1:27)
DescriptionBBP HPSBBP WattageXMR HPSXMR WattageEfficiency
Ryzen 5 3600@4ghz, msi b450m Gaming plus, 1.2v vcore, 12 threads, 2x4gb 2666 cl1613900-14000 hps70 watts6900-7050 hps69-70 watts201%
Ryzen 5 1600 (14nm)@3.3ghz, Asus b350 rog strix, 1,05v vcore, 6 threads, --cpu-affinity 0x555 1x8gb 3200mhz cl167863-7900 hps55 watts3911-3950 hps55 watts201%
TR1920x@3.7ghz, msi x399 gaming pro carbon ac, 1,15v vcore, 16 threads --cpu-affinity 0x5D75D7, 4x4gb 3200mhz cl1616100-16300 hps140-145 watts8050-8400 hps140-145 watts199.9%
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650L v3 @ 1.80GHz (Oncoapops)402355207055195%

Data Source

This data was graciously tested and supplied by earlzmoade in our testnet thread: https://forum.biblepay.org/index.php?topic=490.new#new