[hide]BiblePay Economics:
Gross Block Breakdown:
- Block Emission Level: Starting at 20,000 BBP at inception and decreasing by 19.5% per year.
- 15% is escrowed for governance for expenses paid via our sanctuary voted budget - emitted as one monthly superblock (10% for charity, 5% IT)
- 85% is rewarded to our Sanctuaries for Services and block security
Gross breakdown of Governance Budget:
- Charity and Recurring Orphanage expenses (, Cameroon One, Kairos, etc): 66%
- IT Expenses and Payroll: 33%
Gross breakdown of Sanctuary Service reward:
- 99% is given for POVS (Proof of video storage)
- 1% is given to the sanctuary for Block Security (POW mining)
The deflation rate of our emission is 1.5% Per Month, or 19.5% per year compounded.
See BiblePay Emission Schedule for more details.