BBP Intrinsic Value

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What makes BIBLEPAY stand out from the other cryptocurrencies?

  • DEFLATIONARY. We decrease our emissions by 20% per year with a total cap of 5.2B, and a circulating supply of 3.6B. Block emission has decreased from 20K to 2K since inception.
  • HIGHER INVESTMENT LEVERAGE. BiblePay still has 4 zeroes before its BBP-USDT trading price (.0000225 as of March 2024).
  • TITHE 10% to ORPHAN CHARITY. This is our cornerstone and makes it easy for any crypto user to get exposure to sponsoring orphans and doing good things like building water wells. Sponsor an orphan with a BBP NFT, or hold BBP and help orphans.
  • SIDECHAIN. We are an L1 chain with an L2 sidechain allowing you to store files (mp4s, image links, ticket attachments, social media attachments). Display gospel videos and provide theological material.
  • ADVANCED NFTs (v2): We have NFTs with treasure chests, autonomous settlement, orphan NFTs (soulbound), and our NFTs are versatile enough to be marketed in more than one marketplace.
  • INSTANT GLOBAL SETTLEMENT ON EVERY EXCHANGE: With our atomic trade, you can send any amount to any metamask use globally and have it settled in a block in a few seconds.
  • PHONE SYSTEM: We provide you with a real US phone number and a true long distance phone system with charges to your BBP private key.
  • EASY ACCESS TO WEB3: We make things easier for the user by wrapping high technology smart contracts and providing a UI for access to our ERP features.


  • Our next sidechain (v3.0) is soon to be released. This marries the blockchain with our ERP that provides grantable deterministic permissions and ERP views.
  • This solidifies BiblePay's total value in the crypto space.