Barley Test Cases

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Welcome to BiblePay Q4 2021 - Barley - Test Cases!

Please refer to the testnet thread and its OP Post for other startup information:

Test Case #1 - Download the Wallet, Install the Wallet, Verify TestNet & Verify Chain is Synced

  • Depending on your OS, download the biblepaycore Wallet:
Windows 64-bit:
Linux 64 bits II (QT/biblepayd/biblepay-cli) zip:
Install it in a specific place (not on top of production), for example on windows:  c:\Program files\BiblePayDev 

You can do this by changing the last few characters of the 'Default Installation Location' when you start the wallet. This will let you run biblepay side-by-side your other biblepay production node and not interfere with it.

Launch the wallet the following way to enter testnet:

Option A - Linux:

./biblepaycore -testnet=1 

Option B - Windows:

Go to windows Command Prompt | cd c:\program files\biblepaydev | biblepay-qt -testnet=1 

Option C - Windows:

Look for the BiblePay Develop Shortcut to TestNet in Start | Program Files | All Programs | BiblePayDevelop | TESTNET | Launch the program

Option D - Config File:

Create a configuration file located at "~/.biblepay/biblepaytest.conf" and add the following line in it:
Launch the wallet with "./biblepay -conf=biblepaytest.conf" 

Now that the wallet has launched, lets verify you are in testnet first:

Click Tools | Info | Read "Network":Name | Verify this is TESTNET

Q1. Is your network Name TestNET?

Next, let the wallet sync to the height of 117037+, then check your blockhash.

Go to the RPC Console: Click Tools | Console | Type: getblockhash 117037 The response should be: da2e08e39dcc9e9df42182abb194b393e617cee03974e71cffa9596011b3c817

Q2. Is your hash matching 117037's hash?

Next, lets check the version. From the rpc console, type getnetworkinfo. Read the Build Version.

Q3. The Build version should be or higher. What is your build version?

Verify that you have connections: Click Tools | Info Read "Number of Connections":

Q3. How many connections do you have?

This concludes Test case #1.